Curriculum Vitae
Yasmin Gomes Casagranda
Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil
2019 - 2019 Postdoctoral Research. Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, UFMS, Brazil. Major Area: Applied Social Sciences Major Area: Agricultural Sciences / Field: Forest Resources and Forest Engineering / Subfield: Cattle Farming.
2016 - 2018 Ph.D. in Administration. Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, UFMS, Brazil. Title: Framework for the Composition of Environmental Economic Value: Methodological Application in Beef Cattle Farming in Campo Grande - MS, Year of Completion: 2018. Advisor: Dr. Guilherme Cunha Malafaia. Co-advisor: Dr. Denise Barros de Azevedo. Keywords: Resource Use; Costs; Economic Valuation; Framework. Major Area: Applied Social Sciences.
2012 - 2014 Master's in Administration. Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, UFMS, Brazil. Title: Analysis of Sustainability and Efficiency in the Ceramics Sector in Northern Mato Grosso do Sul, Year of Completion: 2014. Advisor: Dr. Matheus Wemerson Gomes Pereira. Scholarship from: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), Brazil. Major Area: Applied Social Sciences.
2018 - 2019 Bachelor's in Accounting. Unigran Capital College, UNIGRAN, Brazil. Title: Economic Feasibility Plan for Establishing a Bakery in Mato Grosso do Sul. Advisor: Reginaldo José da Silva.
2007 - 2010 Bachelor's in Administration. Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, UFMS, Brazil. Title: The Kyoto Protocol and Its Implementations in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). Advisor: Dr. José Carlos de Jesus Lopes.
Institutional Affiliation
2019 - Present Affiliation: Public Servant, Functional Classification: Adjunct Professor, Workload: 40 hours, Regime: Exclusive Dedication.
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, UFMS - School of Administration and Business. Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Research Experience
Academic training was paramount for the research activities carried out to date. From the first graduation in administration, second graduation in accounting sciences and stricto sensu post-graduation (Masters, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate) in Administration with emphasis on agribusiness. The development of research themes took place in the search for understanding the practice focused on sustainable development and sustainability, with this experience it was possible to carry out quantitative and mixed studies with regard to specific sectors of Brazilian and world agribusiness. In this way, the theme of the present project was latent in the research results found over the years. Thus, recent studies related to food waste and findings related to social issues in rural areas were considered in order to propose the research project currently in force at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul: Food for the future: new organizational perspectives for the promotion of food security for the deepening of research in the context of availability and maintenance of food availability for the Brazilian population. The research developed provided international experience in work and publication teams with professors from China (Huazhong Agricultural University) and Poland (Poznan University of Life Sciences). In addition to approval, participation and presentation of works in English and outside Brazil: IFAMA International Food and Agribusiness Management Association - Conference, with in-person participation in Buenos Aires (2018), Costa Rica (2022) and Spain (2024). Previous results of studies on Food Security in Brazil were approved at events such as IFAMA International Food and Agribusiness Management Association - Conference 2023 (New Zealand) and the 61st Congress of SOBER - Brazilian Society of Economics, Administration and Rural Sociology (Piracicaba). The contribution to science and intellectual development is linked to the training of human resources, considering four research projects oriented in 2022 and ending in 2023. While another 2 approved for a scientific initiation scholarship to start in 2023, with funding from FUNDECT-UFMS and CNPq-UFMS.
Current Research
Feeding for the Future: New Organizational Perspectives for Promoting Food Security
Description: When analyzing agribusiness worldwide, it is well understood that there is concern about its role as a source of food for the population. Thus, this analysis can serve as a basis for understanding how the growing global population can be fed (OECD/FAO, 2021). In the context of Latin America, the Sustainable Development Goals are seen as having many challenges ahead, as they depend on policies of countries and standards already established by nations that are prominent (CEPAL, 2017; ALMEIDA FILHO and AZEVEDO, 2019). Therefore, food-related issues have global relevance, and the models used for production, consumption, and pricing must still be analyzed for adaptation to local realities (CEPAL, 2017; MORAIS, SPERANDIO, and PRIORE, 2020). It is in this context that alternatives emerge to achieve goals that can aid in promoting food security and the need for research to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze projects developed for this purpose, as well as current and future public policies. One of the steps for analyzing food security involves gaining an understanding of the opinions of agribusiness professionals, researchers, and subsequently the general population. This will serve as the starting point for further research that can utilize the findings, validated by those who understand the subject, to enhance organizations' understanding of what is being practiced worldwide regarding the Sustainable Development Goals. It is intended that this research be expanded to eventually compare the opinions found in Brazil with those of professionals from other countries as part of a global analysis on the subject. With the research, it is hoped that, after the first literature review phase, it will be possible to understand the existing theoretical foundations up to the point of the research that can assist in the analysis of new ways to feed the global population. This perspective will be valuable for the organizational processes that will be mapped subsequently. In the second phase, the goal is to geographically map the initiatives for feeding the future. This study will be able to promote new discussions on how to feed people around the world and the scientific methods being applied or considered to ensure food security. The results will make it possible to understand possible paths for organizational management, tools, processes, as well as areas of study that lack analysis in order to achieve the UN SDGs. Promoting a study on this topic may serve as a foundation for other initiatives in the private or public sector to address issues related to the research subject.
Current Research - 2023 data collection (in progress)
Promotion of Global Food Security: The Role of Brazil from the Perspective of Agribusiness Professionals.
Organizational Perspectives for Promoting Food Security: the View of Brazilian Cooperative Experts.
Feeding for the Future: New Organizational Perspectives for Promoting Food Security from worldwide projects.
The Role of Brazil in Promoting Global Food Security and Alternatives to Achieve the Goals of the 2030 Agenda.